This is my first update in a very long time. I've revisied the code and design so everyone can access it from a mobile device. Try the links below for updates on recent happenings and news about my visual art and upcoming projects.. is getting updated soon. The site is currently not accessable from a moblie device. Please see this Wikipedia article about my Naked Dave series of paintings.
Amor Alien travelled from the National Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago to UC Riverside and the Queens Museum in NYC for Mundos Alternos: Art and Science Fiction in the Americas.
My artist's papers and production art for 'Cihualyaomiquiz, The Jaguar', my 1996 comic book are now part of the California Enthic and Multicultural Archives @ the UC Santa Barbara Library.
I started a 2nd You Tube Channel: Below The Spectrum personal channel for video essays and short documentaries. Be sure to catch my new series, An Artist Paints A House
Amor Alien t-shirts available on eBay